Natural attractions of Sanandaj


Abider amusement park A paradise among the sights of Sanandaj

Abider Recreational Park, which is also called Abider Forest Park or Mountain Park, is one of the best destinations for friendly and family fun in Sanandaj, with an enchanting nature and a pleasant and clean atmosphere. Abider (pronounced in Kurdish as "Awier") is actually the name of a high mountain in the west of Iran. In the Kurdish language, a place where there is a lot of water is called "Abider". In this mountain, many natural springs boil, flow, soothe and give life to the nature around them. The existence of many springs in this mountain has made it called Abider. Abider amusement park is also located right on the slopes of this towering mountain. The nature of this park is very lush and green thanks to the presence of watery and roaring springs, and being in it will be pleasant and enjoyable like visiting an earthly paradise.

Address: Sanandaj, the end of Abider Street, the slopes of Abider Mountain, Abider Forest Park.

Click here for directions to the abidar amusement park

Qeshlaq Dam Lake (Vahdat Dam Lake) is one of the most spectacular places to visit in Sanandaj

Among other places of interest in Sanandaj, which is very attractive for nature lovers and nature tourism, is Qeshlaq Dam Lake, which is also known as Vahdat Dam Lake. This lake is located 12 kilometers north of Sanandaj. Green and stout trees, towering Khurram mountains beside a vast lake have created a charming atmosphere in this area. It is interesting to know that the size of the Qeshlaq Dam lake reaches more than 934 hectares! Also, this large and spectacular lake is the habitat of various types of aquatic animals, including the bride fish, kingfish, black fish, albornus capito, black fish and sauce fish. Finally, we must say that, in addition to having a calm and beautiful environment for picnics and nature tourism, Sed Vahdat Lake has suitable facilities for experiencing water sports, including fishing and boating.

Address: Sanandaj, 12 kilometers north of Sanandaj city, Qeshlaq Dam lake.

Click here for dam and lake directions


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